I'm creating a butterfly each day for a year! (for a very good cause!)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 47 ~ TNT

Winter session of Dream Boogie begins tomorrow! Hooray!
Today's butterfly is in honor of Trisha Marcy, also known as "TNT" or "Top Notch Trisha." She's the one who holds it all together and makes it possible for Sark to do all the things she does. She's quite a remarkable woman and has been a wonderful mentor to me for the past year.
Trisha loves turquoise, the color of the sea, so I put some real turquoise stones in her crown. I made her wings from a photo I took of the ocean at one of my favorite spots on Highway One.
Here's a little toast I wrote for Trisha. Feel free to join me in sending her warm thoughts as you read this:

Here's to Trisha
Queen of our hearts
She's as kind
as she is smart
And as you can see
She's a work of art!
So toast her now
With a glass of wine
Long may she shine!


  1. Well, I never met her, but I've never been one to pass up a glass of wine, either.

  2. Oh, this is so fun!!
